Message from Rev Andy
Andy M

We are the Daventry Methodists, and you’re very welcome! 
I hope you will be able to explore in these pages something of who we are, find out more about our activities, and get a feel for Daventry Methodist Church.  We are a growing Christian church of over 100 members.  This is a church of warmth, welcome and humour; a church of love and fellowship; a diverse and inclusive church for all ages.  Please do come along and see for yourself!
I’m coming to the end of my time here in Daventry (but I will still be a minister in another part of our Methodist circuit), and it has been a wonderful experience of meeting so many loving and committed people in our church and community.  It’s been a privilege to see how God is at work in this church and reaching out into the wider town.  My final service as minister of this church will be on Sunday 4th August at 10.30am.  It will be a Holy Communion service, and everyone is welcome.  Then, on Thursday 29th August at 7.00pm, we will be welcoming our new minister, Revd Brian Hutton, at special service (with our new superintendent minister, Revd Nathan Falla).
But through all these changes, the work and ministry of the church continues, relying on the very committed and able leaders of different groups and activities we have:
We have a number of activities for children and young people, led by our Church Family Worker, Mandie Price, and a wonderful team of volunteers.  We try to nurture all ages in learning about faith, caring for one another, encouraging each other in different forms of worship and music, and opening our doors to a wide variety of community activities. 
Our Sunday worship takes place at 10.30am (for full and lively services, with something for all ages) and 6.30pm (for quieter, more traditional services).  And we have a brilliant team of many people involved in making sure everything happens and usually works!
All that we do is based on our belief that God loves this world, and that every human being matters immensely to God – so much so that Jesus died for us.  We believe too that Jesus lives again and gives us the way to eternal life; so we try to follow him, and try our best to live up to our human potential, as God’s beloved children, with the help of the Holy Spirit.    This means that whatever changes or struggles we go through, we know that God is always with us!

Whoever you are and wherever you’ve come from; at every stage on the journey of faith; with whatever questions or doubts you may have… you will always be very welcome here.

Rev. Andy Murphy


Sunday 28th July 2024 

Morning Worship at 10.30am - led by Janet Hinds - at Church and on Zoom 

The children and young people will go into their group partway through the service. A creche will be available for babies and young children. 

Tea and Coffee will be served in the hall after the service.   

Evening Worship at 6.30pm - led by Deacon Georgina Brookes  

Latest Worship Recordings

A video recording of the Service led by Jackie Parkes on Sunday 21 July is available to watch to by clicking on the link below 

here to watch the recording

If you wish to join us live online for any of the morning services on Zoom please contact us by sending an email for the log in code and we will happily let you have the details. 

50th Anniversary

Did you know that our current building is 50 years old this year? We have a number of events and services to celebrate throughout the year. 

50th anniversary

Summer Holiday Club  for children age 5 - 12
Click here for more details


Summer Holiday Club for children age 11 - 18
Click here for more details



Details of events happening during the week at the church can be found here and the most recent notice sheet can be found here. 


Click here for map and directions


What to expect when you visit us

Don't forget you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter too

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We are proud to be an Eco Church and are now working towards our silver award.

Eco Church