Sunday Worship
Our Sunday morning congregation is a large one and the worship is led either by a minister or local preacher. This gives a refreshing diversity to our services which follow fairly traditional lines. We have a permanent projection system and we enjoy all that this technology has to offer. Morning services are at 10.30 am. Young Church joins the main worship service for the first quarter of an hour or so before leaving for their own programmes except for communion services where they start with their own activities. About once a month our children and young people remain in church for All-Age worship
Our evening congregation is a small and intimate gathering and the service is often of a quieter, more contemplative nature. Evening worship is at 6.30 pm.
Holy Communion is usually celebrated once a month in the morning service and once a month during the evening worship. All are welcome to receive the bread and wine at these services or to come forward for a blessing. In the mornings on such occasions, the members of Young Church join their parents as we move into the period of communion.