Angel greets women at open tombInteractive Easter

For a number of years Churches Together in Daventry has presented the events of Holy Week to children from local junior schools.  The children are encouraged to ask questions as they take part in the events of the last week of Jesus' life.  Thirty children at a time join the crowd that welcomes Jesus into Jerusalem, and then, in groups of ten, they watch as Mary anoints Jesus' feet, they see Jesus acting as a servant, washing Peter's feet, they share in the last meal Jesus has with his friends and then hear how Jesus is betrayed and crucified and died.  Finally, the children see the joy of the women, as on the first Easter Day, they learn that Jesus is no longer dead, but has risen and is alive in the world and in his church today.

Actors and helpers

More Scenes

Triumphal Entry.

Mary of Bethany

Washing Peter's Feet

Last supper

The cast and helpers with
photos of the main scenes